Monday, November 19, 2007

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 5

Well, first of all, did anyone else think it was bizzarre that Gatsby had his gardener come over and fix Nick's lawn in the rain? Or did I just read that wrong?
And you know that green light? It's kind of funny because it used to seem like it had such meaning, and it was only the light on Daisy's dock. Before Gatsby was always looking at that light and longing for her, now it seems like just an ordinary light to him...nothing special.

I think that the weather kind of followed the moods of the characters a little bit. At first, it was raining and nothing really seemed to be going right--everything was foggy to them. Then the sun came out and the mood of the chapter seemed to lighten as Gatsby took Nick and Daisy to his mansion.

I'm kind of wondering what's going to happen to Daisy and Gatsby if Tom finds out about them, because he's bound to find out. (I'm guessing if Tom does find out, he'll totally flip out because he doesn't have control over her...but he can go and cheat on her any time he likes, just not the other way around...judging by his personality, that's probably what he'd think...)

Personally, I like Gatsby and Daisy together way better than Tom and Daisy just because Tom is a complete...well....jerk, to put it nicely. I kind of found it funny that Mr. Wolfsheim said that Gatsby would never look at another man's wife in a previous chapter. That was probably because he was so absorbed with Daisy and he'd never even think to look at any other woman...but the fact of the matter is that Daisy is still married to Tom.....this is going to cause some issues....


Rebel Without a Cause said...

I did find it odd that Gatsby had his gardener fix up Nick lawn in the rain. Obviously he was a little paranoid about having Daisy come over. Also I agree that the weather showed their moods. I also thought that it meant that Gatsby and Daisy's "relationship" had hope when it stopped raining.

A-jac said...

I definitely agree with you about the weather. The rain just cast a gloomy awkwardness on the situation and when the sun came out, all was filled with joy and joyness!

Rosalia said...

I totally agree with you that Tom will freak out because he will no longer has complete control over Daisy when he finds out about her and Gatsby. But he is a total hypocrite, how he can cheat on Daisy but she can't do the same. But really all together them to having affairs is wrong anyway so neither of them two should be doing it. Yet that fact doesn't seem to filter to them at all.