Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 9

I found it kind of sad that nobody would go to Gatsby's funeral, but I guess most of them were scared away. It kind of shows you how good of friends he really had because, like Owl-Eyes said, they used to pour in by the hundreds to his parties. It's kind of like that saying where it's better to have a few really good friends than 100 lousy friends....(something like that...quality not quantity).

Somehow I knew deep down that Tom was behind Gatsby's death. He didn't even show any remorse when he found out Wilson killed Gatsby because he probably knew Wilson would go kill him. I'm guessing that's why Tom and Daisy left town right away. I like how Nick compared Tom to a child, because that's how he is--selfish and always wanting his way. I'm thinking that Tom stopped Daisy from sending any flowers or calling or something like that because I'm sure she heard about how Gatsby died.

I like how Nick talks about Daisy and Tom at the end and about how inconsiderate the rich are. They make messes that they never clean up and can get away with most anything because of their money and popularity. I guess it's no wonder how they seem to think their better than everybody else...somebody's got to because I think that poorer people seem to be kinder because they appreciate what they have (not in all cases, but in many).

Well, I can't say that I'm really "crushed" because Nick broke up with Jordan because apparently she's engaged to some other man now...unless she just said that because she didn't want to show that she was really hurt or something--because her pride got in her way (and believe me, pride is one thing that that woman isn't lacking...)

Overall, I thought the book was pretty good...much better than the Grapes of Wrath. I feel like Gatsby's whole life and existance was in vain though. Even though he was rich and threw lavish parties, because he was living such a lie and fantasy, nobody really knew him and nobody seemed to remember him when he died....


Rosalia said...

It was really sad that no one showed up to Gatsby's funeral. But I think that all of those people were just there for free food and free beer. What else is new. What great friends they were. But it is better to have a few great friends than a lot of awful ones. I agree with you there.

hm said...

I agree with you when you say that the book was trying to teach us that it doesn't matter if you have 100 so-so friends, it's better to have those selected few that care for you deeply. I also think that the book showed how self centered rich people can be and how they always like it their way and don't care if they hurt people in the process.