Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg. 335-352 (end)

There has been a change in many characters, a show of strength and weakness. I was glad to read about Mr. Cruncher’s change and how he said that he’d no longer grave-rob or stop his wife from praying. Though he doesn’t seem like he’s the best with words, he explained to Miss Pross how he wished his wife was praying at that time. (I was also glad that he and Miss Pross made it out alright, besides her hearing.)

When I first read the chapter title “The Knitting Done,” I figured (and secretly hoped) that it meant that Madame Defarge would die, hence, her knitting would be no more. She was becoming so cruel that I think she would probably denounce her husband next after Darnay’s family. When the chapter started talking about Miss Pross and Mr. Cruncher, I also figured that Miss Pross would be the one matched up to take down of the woman who was fit to be “the wife of Lucifer,” as Pross put it. Actually, earlier in the novel, when Miss Pross confronted Madame Defarge I figured she was bound to get in a fight with Defarge then and there.

I looked up the meaning of Madame Defarge’s first name, Therese, which means “one who reaps.” I’m surprised I didn’t look it up before, because it kind of suits her as she gathers people together to harvest heads basically.

The seamstress talks with Carton before they are to be killed, she says, “But for you, dear stranger, I should not be so composed…nor should I have been able to raise my thoughts to Him who was put to death, that we might have hope and comfort here to-day. I think you were sent to me by Heaven.” This again reflects Christ’s sacrifice for mankind and how Carton is doing the same.

Some part of my mind knew that Carton and the seamstress would kiss after the way Dickens described their body language—though their kiss may not be meant in a romantic sort of way. Perhaps it was symbolic for sealing their fate or something? I’m not really sure because I wasn’t thinking about that sort of symbolism at the time.

Carton was more at peace when he died than when he lived, and his legacy shall live on, while the oppressors will die by the monster (the guillotine) which they so love to watch as it kills others. Lucie will have a child named after Sydney, and he will grow up and have a child and will show his child of the place where Carton died and what he did for the Darnay family. The Doctor will be revived, Lucie and Charles will have a greater respect in their hearts for Carton than for each other, and Mr. Lorry will live for ten more years and die peacefully, going to receive his reward (or go to heaven)….at least this is what the people believed was in Carton’s mind.

Carton’s life had more meaning as he stepped up to the guillotine than any other time. That same verse that he was repeating before, he repeated again and was killed. Carton was a round character. He started as a drunken man who hated himself and took in the harsh words from Stryver to heart. But as the story progressed, we could see the more sincere side of him, the less apathetic side, and towards the end, we saw him gain a sense of strength, pride, and love. Sydney died a man with the hope of Heaven. It’s not how you start the race, it’s how you finish, and “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg. 297-335


The way Dickens writes is so real to me and I can envision the story within my head (much like a movie or much like I was there myself). I can almost hear the roar of the people and see the horror that must be patent on the Doctor’s face as Darnay is convicted.

In the beginning of this section, I found it interesting how everything ties together in this book. The Doctor had even seen Charles as a little child when he was with his mother. I wonder, though, if there was any significance to the sister of the seventeen year old who was killed. I’m not sure if there is, but maybe we’ll find out because it mentioned her more than once. [One quick hunch: maybe it's Madame Defarge, because the peasant boy said that he sent his sister far away and wasn't Madame from some far shores or something? Didn't it talk of her walking on the beach?]

I’d also like to mention the swords of the peasant boy and the Marquis brother. Dickens states in the Doctor's letter that
"'My glance had fallen but a few moments before, on the fragments of a broken sword, lying among the hay. That weapon was a gentleman's. In another place, lay an old sword that seemed to have been a soldier's.'" The unbroken sword must have belonged to the peasant boy because he was still human and strong-willed to the end. The singular time I can remember the elder Marquis brother as being slightly human was when he looked curiously at the strength "in these common bodies," wherein, the Doctor's reply began the Marquis's suspicion of him and sealed his fate as being captured and taken to the Bastille. [But why did the Marquis brothers get Manette in the first place if they didn't care about the brother and sister?]

Madame Defarge is becoming more and more cruel as she loses her humanity in her thirst for blood and revenge. She has become blind to the reason they started this Revolution, which seemed to be to stop the heartless treatment of the people, because now she is the bestial one who is causing most of this maliciousness. In a way, I’m almost eager to see how she reacts when she has a hard time finding the dear Doctor’s family. At least her husband still seems to have a conscience, as we find that he doesn't want to go on with the violence towards the Evremonde's family. I suppose the reason for his not wanting to harm the Doctor was because he was once a servant in his household. What I want to know, is how he became the one to make Manette make shoes, because didn't the book say something about that somewhere?

Well, the book isn’t quite finished yet, but Carton gets my vote for best character. I absolutely love Carton. The scene that enticed me the most (one of many) was when Carton was being prepared to face the Guillotine and encountered that girl with the “patient” eyes. The language and the description of their movements was touching. The part I most remember is probably those few paragraphs where Dickens wrote:

"As the patient eyes were lifted to his face, he saw a sudden doubt in them, and then astonishment. He pressed the work-worn, hunger-worn young fingers, and touched his lips.
'Are you dying for him?' she whispered.
'And his wife and child. Hush! Yes.'
'O you will let me hold your brave hand, stranger?'
'Hush! Yes, my poor sister; to the last.'"

I was reminded of how Carton is a Christ figure when she asked, "You are dying for him?" as he prepares to lay down his life for Darnay and his family. I just want to give props to A-jac for remembering that Darnay and Carton look similar way back from the trial and for predicting how Carton would save Darnay. I figured some sort of switch would occur, but I'd forgotten how similar they looked (which Dickens reminds us of when Carton is in the wine shop and Madame Defarge takes second glances at him). But, yes, A-jac got it to a T.

One thing that I’m sure Darnay will look back upon in guilt is that he “never once thought of Carton.” He couldn’t remember this brave man who took his place in death. This also somewhat reflects how Sydney is a Christ figure (in a sense) because we don’t always remember Jesus and how He willingly gave His life for ours. Humans can sometimes feel a similar guilt when they realize all He’s done and how little we seem to look back and remember. (Although, Darnay didn’t realize that Carton was going to do such a thing, I would still feel guilty later about not even thinking of a person who cared enough for me and my family to die in my place.)

I guess the question got answered about the chemicals Carton purchased because he used their fumes to knock out Darnay. (I could almost hear that certain movie music as Carton restrained Darnay and made the switch, as Dickens writes so visually.) But one of the most saddening parts was when Darnay was beginning to come to again in the carriage and was speaking Carton’s name, still asking him what was in his hand, while Carton was probably already dead in his place.

Well, now that this is getting extremely long, I just have one more question: What about Miss Pross and Mr. Cruncher? When it mentioned the carriage leaving Parris, the book didn’t state them as being in there. What has become of them? Has Miss Pross stayed behind for her brother? Maybe the next few chapters will clear this up…

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg. 246-297

I am beginning to love Sydney Carton and I believe that A-Jac could possibly be right about how he saves Darnay. I was thinking that he might take his place somehow before this, but I forgot how he somewhat resembles Darnay (although, I believe that in the court hearing, they were talking about it being dark). I'm sure that Carton is going to take Darnay's place and die for him, but I'm not sure how yet. Perhaps he will claim to be the real Marquis and that Darnay was covering for him? Just a wild and out there guess, but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

Carton seemed to be contemplating his death the night before Darnay's second hearing as he looked at the sky and thought of that Bible verse. I think that he had some comfort in remembering it as he looked at the quiet scenery and the, shall I say "confident", waters. I found it somewhat interesting how the night was thought of as tranquil and peaceful, while the day seemed to fade that peace away as the stars and moon disappeared, because most times in literature, the night is ominous while the day brings a new light. I thought that the light gave Carton a sort of strength, though, and he seemed stronger that morning as the light shone on him, he drank only coffee (and not alcohol), and he was reassured by Lucie's loving expression towards her husband.

I had forgotten about that piece of paper from the Doctor's old cell. I'm anxious to know what it reads, but I'm worried about the position it shall put Darnay in because the people will most likely side against him now, as they are so easily swayed (especially by Mannette's words).

Some parts of this story are beginning to echo 1984 (as a lot of subjects seem to do now that that book has been carved into my brain). People are beginning to be loyal to the Republic and "denounce" each other to it, similar to the Party members in 1984 which would denounce their friends, wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, and whoever they should be siding with to the Thought Police. The people of France seem to be brainwashed and crazed by this Revolution. Before, they cared about the loyalty to each other that they must have and the anarchy against the government, but now, they don't seem so loyal to their peers, but to the Republic, which seems to me like a form of government as they willingly chop of the peoples' heads.

By the way, I was with Carton when the book said that he had to turn away so he didn't strike down the wood-sawyer as he applauded the Guillotine. I'm anxious to see what happens next with Carton. Even though he's not really the main character of the story, as it seems because he's not mentioned as much as others, he's my favorite so far.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg. 204-246

The people are becoming more bestial than those who oppressed them. While the oppressors were appathetic, these people crave blood and revenge. When I first heard that Charles was going to go to France, I had a feeling that something was bound to go wrong. What was the deal with the people who escorted him? Were they working for the rebels like Defarge because they delivered Darnay to a prison or were they working to get some extra coin from him?

It was kind of interesting that Defarge at first seemed concerned that Darnay left his wife to come into danger, but then said that he wouldn't help him. Is it really more honorable to be loyal to your country and liberty than to be loyal to what is right?

I was somewhat relieved to hear that Lucie and her father came into the picture during the last section because all didn't seem hopeless for Darnay. The people were like savages though. I pictured seeing them like tribal canibals, viciously grinding the stone to sharpen their weapons and then charging back to slay another prisoner. It's like their hunger has caused their insanity as they thirst for blood and revenge. Chills went down my spine when Lorry said, "they are...murdering the prisoners."

It's interesting how quickly the minds of the people changed when Mannette went out to them (which is a good thing, but still, they are easily persuaded by their loyalties). I hope that Mannette and the men get to Darnay on time. I want to read on to see if he makes it and to see what the Doctor left in his cell that Defarge found. I also want to see how Sydney Carton comes in to lay down his life for Darnay or another of Lucie's loved ones.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg. 161-204

In the first section of our reading, Madame Defarge seems to be making shrouds with all of the knitting that she does, which foreshadows later events concerning the revolution because a shroud covers a corpse. I was somewhat worried when the Defarges were talking about Lucie's marriage to Darnay and how Charles's destiny "will lead him to the end that is to end him." Because Darnay is associated with the Marquis, he is to be killed; I really don't want this fate to befall him....

After Mannette has his relapse, he is speaking with Mr. Lorry, who refers to the Doctor in third person. This I found interesting because people still seem to do that today. When Mannette believes that he won't go into a relapse again and that the worst shock is over (figuring out Darnay's true identity the morning of the wedding), but I believe he is wrong and that the revolutionists will come after Darnay and his family....but Carton will save them.

I felt that Lucie hearing the echos became more forshadowing for the Revolution. She feels that something is closing in on her and she will die young (which, hopefully, she will be saved....sadly, perhaps at the cost of dear Mr. Carton's life...). I love how Lucie's children were fond of Carton because they can see his inner self, as children sometimes do.

The brutality of the beginning of the Revolution was gruesome...even though the people had been treated horribly by those people in higher authority. Madame Defarge always seems so composed and calm. Is there nothing that can break her? Nothing that can make her falter? She seemed to behead the governor with ease. What can possibly be going through the prisoners' heads at this point? They must be somewhat frightened (I think Dickens may have mentioned that), especially after seeing the seven heads hoisted up on sticks. Is this a symbol perhaps?

What is Defarge looking for in Mannette's cell? It was mentioned earlier in the story, but I don't think it told of the true identity of the object. What is the importance of this thing? Mannette wrote "DIG" on the wall, so he must've wanted someone to find it, so is it good that Defarge didn't? I'm interested to find out what that object was and what will become of the Doctor, his family/friends, and Carton....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg 118-161

Out of the men that expressed their love for Miss Manette, I would have to say that Darnay may be the best one for her as he seems to be a kind and respectful gentleman. Carton was brave in coming to her and confessing his love, and I did feel some pity for him, but she shouldn't marry him in pity. Stryver, on the other hand, reminded me of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast because of his boastfulness and bulkiness--whether he was bulky from fat or muscle, I didn't totally understand. He thought any woman would think of him as a prize and that it would be a joy to Lucie for him to propose, which really reminded me of the part of Disney's Beauty and the Beast where Gaston goes to propose to Belle and already has the town outside and prepared for a wedding--which makes it more comical in both instances when the boastful men get turned down. I was about to applaud Mr. Lorry.

In the chapter titled "The Honest Tradesman"--which is very ironic--Young Jerry finally figures out that his "honorable" father, Mr. Cruncher, is not quite the honest tradesman he pretends to be. I believe that the casket, or his fear, seemingly following him and wanting to consume him after Young Jerry sees what his father is doing somewhat symbolizes how that image will never leave him. Having never seen anything in the like of what his father was doing, the image haunted his memory and I believe it made him lose even more of his innocence than what was already taken away by following Mr. Cruncher before.

At first, I was surprised that Young Jerry didn't help his mother when Jerry was beating her against the headboard of the bed, thinking that the son of this abuser would change after seeing that his father was more of an enemy than his mother was; but when the next day came and Young Jerry wanted still to be like his dear old dad, I figured that there may be no hope for his changing and Young Jerry seems doomed to be a clone of Mr. Cruncher.

I feel for Mrs. Cruncher. Perhaps women weren't so independent as they are today, or perhaps she feels weaker than her husband and child, but she's becoming a captive in her own household. At least she can probably pray when Young and old Jerry go to Tellson's, but it would be difficult, I believe, to be hindered by your own husband and son from doing something so important. What I want to see happen, though it's unlikely that it will, is Mrs. Cruncher standing up for herself and fighting back when he tries to abuse her. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way.

I didn't totally understand the part about all of the men named "Jaques." Most of what I gathered was that the mender of roads is joining them and he just put out a spectacle--he was acting right?-- of crying and rejoicing for royalty...something that may come into play later in the story it seems.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg. 82-118

Dickens begins these chapters somewhat describing the setting. For example, when Mr. Lorey is on his way to Dr. Manette's house, the scenery is of a beutiful Sunday that is quiet. Dickens states "A quainter corner than the corner where the Doctor lived, was not to be found in London." The quietness of the surroundings gives the passage somewhat of a tone of peace and serenity--like walking through a park on a bright, sunny, Spring day.

Another example of setting description occurs when Mr. Lorey enters the house and sees Lucie's decorations of the house. The rooms have simple accessories of no value, but they are inviting and interesting, which somewhat makes the rooms seem like a personification of Lucie. Everything is arranged carefully and delicately and are pleasant, which is somewhat of the effect Lucie has on others (like in the courtroom when most thought of her as beautiful). Dickens states that "the very chairs and tables seemed to ask [Mr. Lorey], with something of that peculiar expression which he knew so well by this time, whether he approved?" Almost directly pointing to the Doctor's daughter, the "expression" of the rooms reminds readers of the way Dickens repeatedly stated Lucie's peculiar expression of her forehead.

The story Darnay tells about the letters and words carved on the cell wall gives another instance of setting that evokes some questions. Most of the words were "dates, names, complaints, and prayers," but it may have been somewhat interesting to read some of them. But more importantly, the letters "D.I.G." were thought to mean the word "dig," so after workers dug beneath the stone of the cell, they found the ashes of paper and "a small leathern case or bag." After hearing this, Dr. Manette becomes "ill" and doesn't comment on the strangeness of the story. The people thought that the prisoner who wrote "dig" had been executed, but upon seeing Manette's reaction, it seems that the doctor did it while imprisoned or at least knows something about it...adding to the mystery of this book.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities: pg 1-82

At the beginning, the reading seemed slightly difficult and I thought that the book was going to be written in an old English dialect from over a century ago, but as the book progressed, it became much easier to understand.
I found it interesting how Dickens says "One thousand seven hundred and seventy-five" all of the time instead of 1775 and "five-and-twentieth" for what I believe was supposed to be 25th.

There seemed to be a symbol when Dickens mentions "negro cupids," "black baskets of Dead Sea fruit," and "black divinities." Most likely he's trying to symbolize the death that's coming for the people because he was describing how the "likeness passed away," but I also believe that there might've been something else he was trying to say, though I'm not sure.

I like how Dickens describes the actions of his characters in such detail at times, like how Mr. Lorey constantly mashes at his wig and wears such neat clothes or how Monsieur Manette contantly looks down or to the side, away from people, and talks in a distant voice. These descriptions reveal the personalities and emotions of these two men. Mr. Lorey seems slightly nervous as a perfectionistic professional, while Monsieur Manette seems to be in a daze from his confinement. He hasn't truly come into contact with a person for a while, which makes the hug he shared with his daughter almost beautiful...

So far, this book is capturing my interest, so I am almost eager to find out what happens next...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

1984: pg 261-end

These last few chapters seem to show the weakness of man. I somewhat anticipated that there wouldn't be an uprising, but I didn't think Winston would totally love Big Brother in the end. We all would like to think that we'd endure through the torture and overcome the Party, but we are weaker than we think. There has to be one person that they can't get. They can't torture someone forever...eventually the person will die.

Winston betrayed Julia. They each swore they wouldn't betray each other and they did. By giving in to the Party, they gave up their love for each other. Julia's body had changed. When winston put his hand around her, he said she felt like a corpse. I think this symbolizes how they both died spiritually by giving in to the Party.

I think that the Chutes and Ladders game somewhat symbolizes how the Party members try to climb up and rise above the Party, but their efforts seem futile. They always seem to fall back down.

I found this to be a very good book--probably the best we've read so far. It kind of makes a person want to rise up against what is wrong after seeing the weakness of humans and the oppression they went through in the book. I still believe that there has to be one person they can't overcome. There has to be somewhat who they can't get. Maybe there already has been...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1984: pg 225-261

Towards the beginning of this section, Winston is in a jail cell along with common criminals--in other words, those who were not Party members and hadn't committed thought crimes. I found it intersting how much commotion the common criminals could cause and not be punished for it; they even "shouted down the telescreen." I found the drunk 60-year-old woman to be a sort of comic relief for events to come because of how she saidy the guards "dono 'ow to treat a lady." This was humorous because she swore before this, belched, and puked on the floor in front of Winston, which is honestly not very ladylike (but of course, she is drunk).

Later, when Winston speaks with Ampleforth in the cell, Ampleforth states that he was imprisoned because he used the word "God" in a poem. He only used it because he needed a word to rhyme with "rod" (or so he said). I'm all for putting God in poetry and stuff, but really, poems don't have to rhyme. Does Ampleforth know that? Anyways, I believe that the reason the party condemns religious believers is that it wants to rid them of their faith and hope so that they will rely on Big Brother and think of the Party as being sovereign.

The instance with the chinless man and the skeletal man illustrates how the Party stripped this man of morality when it starved him of food. The man is a personification of the moral starvation here. The tortures these people endure make them selfish. The chinless man still had some morality because he had not been broken yet. When he saw the emaciated man, he offered him food, only to get slammed in the face and have the skeletal man turn around and betray him. The starved man even said he'd rather have his children's throats slit before him than go to Room 101.

Although the level is many times less severe than what Winston was going through, I can somewhat relate to his emotions during torture because of conditioning in sports. When running, one does not favor the coach very much at all, but when the coach finally says to stop and ends the pain, one feels grateful and likes the coach again. Even though humans would like to think that they won't break under pressure, even in something as small as running they become selfish and weak. All they want is for the pain to end, and unless it is something that they strongly believe in, they will not volunteer to run longer for someone else nine times out of ten. This demonstrates the actual weakness of human beings. Most like to believe that they are strong, but in actuality, most are the same and cripple under too much pressure.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1984: pg 179-224

In these chapters, Winston finally receives the book from O'Brien, supposedly written by Emmanuel Goldstein. Chapter 1 is titled "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH" and Chapter 3 is called "WAR IS PEACE," two out of the three mottos of the Party. (Doesn't Winston suspect any deceit at all from O'Brien giving him this book?) The chapters shown mostly just put Winston's thoughts about the Party's corruption into words and doesn't really state how to take it down, rather, it pushes the idea that it is impossible to overthrow the Party. Actually, the book sounds more like an instruction manual for the Inner Party members on how to stay in power. It was really a letdown that--after reading all of "Emmanuel's" bland government words in Winston's book--readers never find the reason why the government wants this power.

The book refered to the proles as slaves, which gives readers somewhat of a greater understanding of the Party's attitude toward them. So if the proles are like slaves or servants, then the Inner Party/Big Brother is like the cruel slave-owners. In fact, the Party is almost exactly like a slave owner. It believes that the proles are below itself, and doesn't even consider them human. Proletarian can be defined in the dictionary as "the lowest or poorest class of the people" and can sometimes be called "vile" or "vulgar", which basically describes the view the Party casts upon them.

Another thing that the book stated was that people who could master the trick of doublethink were "intelligent as well as orthodox." Doesn't it occur to Winston that this oh-so-sacred book seems slightly biased. It almost seems as if the book is praising being an imbicile and a robot.

Well, after Winston finally puts the book down, he fell alseep. After awaking, the stout woman is again singing outside of the appartment window. Perhaps the fact that the song the woman was singing--even though it was probably composed by Party members--had outlived the "Hate Song" symbolized that they will outlive and overcome this time of hatred and tyranny.

As Winston is watching the woman, he sees her aged, wide, but strong body and understands that she has been through struggles and has overcome them. He sees how she sings, even in struggles, and just as the bird in the woods gave him a strange sensation, so did the woman. Winston utters that she is beautiful; Julia doesn't understand and basically says that she is fat, but Winston sees her inner beauty and strength, and his hope is somewhat renewed that proles will save humanity.

What happened to the woman when Winston and Julia were captured? What will happen to them next? Will they ever see each other again? Why did the Thought Police wait so long to arrest them? There are so many unanswered questions. Hopefully they will be answered in the chapters ahead.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1984: pg. 157-179

In these chapters, we learn a little more about Winston's past. He had a dream which made him recollect his memories and the fact that he was about twelve when he had last seen his mother. During this time, they were starving and Winston had become very greedy and disrespectful (for lack of a more powerful word to describe his tantrums). When the family was at dinner, Winston stole from his starving and dying sister. His mother knew she was going to die and let Winston take from the cupboards all that they had to eat. When they received a chocolate ration, Winston stole all of it and ran out the door, only to come back and find that his mother was gone.

There were a few significant aspects of this memory/dream. The way Winston's mother cradled her daughter feebly to her, knowing they would both die, displayed how human they were. Winston, how he stole and acted on his selfish instincts, was more like an animal and was becoming corrupt by the Party.

Another thing that happened in these chapters was that Winston and Julia meet up with O'Brien at his house. They talk for about less than half an hour because O'Brien has turned off his telescreen. He explains to Julia and Winston that there is a Brotherhood and Emmanuel Goldstein does indeed lead it. He says that they can join, but may have to kill others and alter themselves through surgery and perhaps never see each other again. This makes us wonder who O'Brien really is because of the surgery he's had. What if he was Goldstein?

The main purpose of the Brotherhood is to take down the Party by being corrupt. The thing is, the Party is not exactly an example of moral perfection, so they are basically just fighting fire with fire. In fact, the Brotherhood seems to be controlling them in a similar way, just giving them a sort of "hope" if one could call it that.

When will the Inner Party find out about Winston and Julia. If there is a telescreen in their room, how long will it take for them to be caught?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

1984: pg 117-157

The oppression of the Party somewhat reminds me of cult religions or overly strict religions for the fact that they don't want the Party members to swear, to have sex without being married, to wear make-up, dress certain ways, etc. I kind of wonder if George Orwell was possibly trying to make a point about some religions. The Party was focusing on these certain activities that a person shouldn't do, but was making them do other sins aside from this--and if anybody didn't follow them, they either vaporized them or cast them out as being worthless and savage proles. The thought of religion keeps reoccuring and I believe that the fact that the Party is trying to suppress these activities so much just gives people more of a reason to rebel. A person cannot be forced to do good (if you could call the Party's demands good). Even God gives humans a choice whether to follow Him or not and doesn't force His will on anyone...so why should humans try to force "good" on others?

I am wondering when Julia and Winston will finally be caught. They are becoming more and more careless as the chapters progress. It was "four, five, six--seven times they met during the month of June." I was wondering if that telescreen would be found or not when Julia was talking about taking the picture down to clean the bugs out from behind it. Why is the government waiting so long to arrest them? The Thought Police could probably just set out a post near the store in secret so that they could catch those two. Are they waiting to actually see them on the telescreen?

Winston's ulcer has cleared up, he no longer needs to drink constantly, his morning coughing had stopped, and he had gained weight. This sort of shows how little stress he's going under now. Before, every time he seemed to be "rebelling" against the Party in any way (even slightly), his ulcer would get itchy. He's becoming relaxed somewhat and has this hope in their oppression; he doesn't need to depend on Victory Gin to get by.

This constant fight for survival has almost breed selfishness in the society. Julia doesn't care--to the point of it boring her to sleep--that the Party is changing history and that Winston could have possibly started a Rebellion if he had kept the evidence from before. Her rebellion was mostly one that wouldn't affect anyone else after she dies, but was mostly for a pleasure of the moment. I found Julia almost annoying when Winston was trying to explain the history's corruption by the Party because she has become apathetic to everything that doesn't pertain to herself.

I liked how Orwell compared Winston and Julia to "a damned soul grasping at his last morsel of pleasure when the clock is within five minutes of striking." This again reminded me of the almost cult religion that the Party has created and how people want to rebel just because they are forced into doing "good." The Party has murdured the morality of the people and has taken so much away from them that they are apathetic about anything but "the now." Winston and Julia are indulging in their pleasure while it lasts and not thinking about tomorrow...which could possibly spell death. But (along the lines of what was stated earlier in the book) they had nothing to live for, so either way they were dead...whether living as the Party wanted or physically dying.

Friday, September 5, 2008

1984: pg 81-117

I somewhat enjoyed these chapters. Winston is starting to become a little more rebellious. I was kind of curious about his meeting with the first old man at the pub though. Winston keeps on trying to get him to simply answer if the times were better long ago than they were now, just so he could make sure that the Ministry of Truth was lying in the history books. The man never really answered his question directly because he kept going off on different subjects and had trouble comprehending Winston's questions, but weren't some of the things he said somewhat of an indication that times were better before? The man said:
[a] that the beer was better (okay, not a big deal for the society),
[b] that he went to his sister's funeral (are they allowed to have funerals now?),
[c] that he used to hear people talk about "lackies" in parks every Sunday (do they have any parks anymore?),
[d] that he had to tip his hat to people he saw (a gesture more of respect than servitude)
[e] and that he got in a fight with a guy that shoved him off a the pavement (could he really get away with shoving someone of higher authority now?).
I'm not really sure if these things mean anything or not, but Winston should know that even if the times weren't better, the Party was lying to the people because I don't think that anything Winston said about the opression matched up with what the old man said (no matter how senile he may have seemed).

I was also wondering about the man in the antiques store, Mr. Charrington. Wasn't he old enough to tell Winston about the past? If not, his antiques surely would have revealed someting. For example, the glass paper-weight that Winston thought was beautiful was crafted long ago and should give Winston the hint that they are being way more oppressed now than people were back then because they aren't allowed to be creative now.

I find it ironic how this whole time in the story Winston thought that the dark-haired woman from the fiction department was out to get him and was spying on him to turn him in to the Thought Police. It turns out that she shared the same desires he felt for her. I'm kind of curious to what might happen next. Them meeting and talking and plotting and holding hands even is the start of some sort of rebellion, I believe. I did find their free, ten-second, romantic hand embrace a little disheartening, though, because of the sad eyes of the prisoner that Winston was looking at. Is there something symbolic here about the prisoner procession that I'm missing? I kind of wonder if they signify anything by the way the crowd was treating them...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

1984: pg. 37-81

I found it interesting how at the beginning of the chapter, Winston sighed before going to work--it said he couldn't help but sigh, even though a telescreen was there, so I'm guessing it was not an eager sigh--and then later said that his work was all that he lived for. I suppose, though, in that society, work would be the only thing to look forward to.

I would probably, most definitely have been vaporized by now. I feel it would be better to die free and independent than to live in a society than turns you into a mindless drone. I must not have been comprehending entirely. In the part where he was talking about Syme,I found Syme to not be that intelligent, yet Winston said he would be wiped away for knowing too much. I suppose that in the state they were in, that was intelligence, or doubleplusgood smartness...yeah.

I'm just waiting for a rebellion to start. There has to be SOME fire left in these people...deep down. Like Winston said, he could feel it in his bones and in his instincts that he was being lied to. He felt the power when all of those women were screaming. If at least a hundred of them could group together, and for something meaningful as Winston said (not over cooking pans), they could change their government...They just need to start a riot or something....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"1984": pg 1-37

Well, I'll just start by saying this was a very disturbing, yet interesting few chapters to start the book. I, personally, would probably be put to death in this environment because of it's intolerance of individualism and it's obsession with hate.

One of the most disturbing items I found was how the children were. Their parents feared them and the children wanted to kill and murder and even turned in their parents to the Thought Police...it's like the government has taken away childhood innocence entirely and murdered almost all morality. It preaches hatred and even has a Two-Minute Hate session for Winston and his "comrades". The society goes through a daily brainwash in a sense to keep the people in line.

I thought the "Big Brother" on the poster somewhat reminded me of Hitler from it's vague description just because of the mustache and how the Big Brother has convinced--or terrified moreover--a whole society into believing that his way of thinking is right.

But amidst all of this dismal, foggy, and dark time, there is somewhat of a ray of hope, which I'd say is Goldstein...even though most of the people hate him and think of individuals as foolish to follow him. [Which kind of reminds me of a verse in the Bible...(I can't recall it exactly, so don't quote me)...but I believe it said something about how the world (usually a symbol for evil) will see you as strange and foolish for following God (being moral, I guess you could say).]

I think Goldstein was named that for a reason..."Emmanuel Goldstein" ....Emmanuel, which means "God with us" and Goldstein...the gold probably standing for a light in this time of darkness. Perhaps he's supposed to be a Christ figure, a sign of goodness and hope in this time of gloom.

One more note to add: Of all the violent and debased actions the people were taking, I found it interesting how perky, happy, and encouraging the excercise "instructor" was over the telescreen. It kind of makes you think of those actual excercise videos from the 80's (even though the book was written before that time). She almost seemed...I dunno...human...I guess it kind of reminds you how naive these people are in following what they're following and they are not necessarily evil...but just poor, deceived people who need help and who need someone to save them from the mess they are in...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 41-"The Last"

I believe that Huckleberry Finn teaches us about the flaws in human nature. One of the themes I believe Mark Twain shows throughout the novel is how we are such hypocrites and how our morals can be skewed by others.

Some people try to be righteous, but can become confused by the way society and man twists our morals. For instance, Mark Twain shows how confused Huck is because he feels that it is wrong to help free a runaway slave. He feels that he will go to hell for it and chooses to go to hell because he won't betray his friend. That just shows us how twisted the society was back then, and still is now. It's curious how so-called Christians can treat slaves so horribly and call them names when they are people just the same and the Bible says to love everyone. They claim to be righteous, but aren't really following God's word.

Most people in society are hypocrites. For example, the Grangerfords and Sheperdsons went to church on Sundays with their guns. One Sunday the Grangerfords talked about how good the sermon on "brotherly love" was, when they weren't loving to their "brothers". Instead of just forgiving each other, the two families had a small war and killed each other off.

Another example of hypocricy is Miss Watson. She said that smoking was bad, but snuff was okay, because she did that herself. It just kind of shows us how morals become skewed because people follow their own desires instead of doing what is right sometimes.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 39-40

At the beginning of this chapter, I was starting to get really tired of Tom constantly making up new obstacles and difficulties for them and stalling Jim's freedom. I'm kind of surprised they actually went out and caught all of the snakes and rats and spiders. I'm also kind of glad they finally got a "lickin'" from Aunt Sally because they deserved it after setting rats and snakes loose in the house. If I was her, I wouldn't be able to sleep either with all of those nasty little creatures roaming around my house and crawling in my bed. Yuck. I shudder to even think about it.

I don't know how Jim could stand to sleep with all of the creatures crawling on him and biting him. I still think it's kind of funny, though, how he says he never wants to be a prisoner ever again in his life (because of how difficult Tom makes it because it has to be done "right").

That poor family. Tom and Huck had them so paranoid that Aunt Sally would jump if you touched her with a feather (as Huck put it). I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they pretty much called in the calvary (well, about 15 farmers) to help out with the supposed outlaw gang or whatever they were called that was going to come and steal Jim.

I feel that Huck is more mature than Tom because when he tells Tom about how there's a group of people in the house with guns, Tom says he could've got 200 of them in there. So I guess Tom and Huck's antics finally gave them some excitement as they were trying to free Jim. Lucky for Tom, Jim, and Huck, the dogs that the people came after them with were dogs that already knew them and just acknowledged them and ran past them to the noise of the "mob" that was after the little runaways. (Because having a pack of dogs after you would NOT be a good thing, for sure.)

I find it interesting that Tom made them run in a certain order when going out of the hole and going over the fence and such. He wanted Jim to go first, Huck to go second, and himself to go last. Why? Who knows...maybe he wanted the chase to be right on his own heels to make it more exciting.

I'm glad Huck finally stands up to Tom, with the help of Jim. This also kind of shows how Huck is more mature than Tom because Tom didn't want to get a doctor after being shot in the leg! Chances are, he was thinking that in his stupid books that he read, people didn't go to doctors after they'd been shot, but just bandaged themselves up. This kind of shows how he didn't quite understand how severe the situation was because he could've probably gotten lead poisioning from the bullet and died back in those days.

I must wonder: What are Aunt Sally and the family going to think when Huck and Tom go missing? I've been wondering this pretty much the whole time they've been planning to free Jim. Didn't they think about their own strange disappearance? But I suppose Tom's plan worked out because the family will probably think that the band of robbers or whatever kidnapped them.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 37-38

I'm starting to get really, really annoyed by Tom Sawyer. It's like he doesn't really take anything seriously. Everything is like a game to him. I mean, I'm glad Huck got to meet up with his old friend, but if Tom hadn't been there, Huck and Jim would already be floating down the river towards Jim's freedom. Tom's just a little too stubborn for me I guess.

I did think it was funny, though, how Tom had Jim come out of the shack or whatever it was called that he was locked in to help Huck and him move the huge rock. He was pretty much helping a prisoner escape so they could get a pointless rock to bring back to the prisoner to help him escape. Tom is just making this whole ordeal very complicated.

Huck definitely has more respect for Jim than Tom does. I don't know why Huck didn't barge into the conversation and stop Tom when he was trying to get spiders and snakes and rats in with Jim when Jim obviously doesn't want them in with him and when it obviously could kill him before he got out of his "prison". I suppose Huck had given up a while ago because he had said something about how that's just the way Tom is when he gets an idea in his head. It's kind of ironic how Jim felt that it was more work to be a prisoner than to be a slave because of the way Tom was making it.

I think Huck is somewhat going back to how he was in the beginning of the book: just following what Tom Sawyer does, no matter how bad it makes his conscience feel. Huck felt bad for stealing Aunt Sally's stuff after she found out that the shirt was missing (although I'm sure not all of it was guilt, but the fear of being caught). It was kind of clever, though, how Tom and Huck tricked Aunt Sally into thinking she couldn't count the spoons anymore...although tricking her wasn't the right thing to do.

I found the part with the bed-sheet pie kind of interesting because--after confusing Aunt Sally once more--they took a whole sheet, which is hardly long enough to use as a ladder anyway and they cut most of the sheet off to make it fit into the pie. Huck said that the sheet could've went into 14 pies (or some big number like that), so I must wonder how small of a piece of the sheet they actually used.

I hope Tom and Huck finally get Jim out before he ends up getting shipped off somewhere else. Because at this rate, they'll be there for weeks and the house will be bare of all the family's possessions.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 35-36

There are probably a few infulences that have "deformed" Huck's conscience. Right off, I'd have the say that Huck's Pap was the first bad influence on Huck. He would steal from others and call it borrowing, so Huck thought that stealing was just borrowing. Huck's father drank and I believe he smoked as well (I don't remember) but he let Huck think that drinking and smoking aren't bad for him.

One might say that the duke and the king deformed Huck's conscience, but I think they moreso made him realize what was bad. Tom Sawyer might be one who made Huck think it was okay to do bad things. Sometimes it's harder to say no to a friend than to another person. For some reason, Huck just couldn't say "no" to Tom when they were trying to free Jim and Tom was making it more ridiculous and difficult than it needed to be.

Lastly, I think some of the trials Huck and Jim went through might mess up Huck's conscience a little bit because at times they became desperate and had to steal to survive...which, I suppose, wouldn't seem quite as bad as stealing for greed, but still....they're taking from somebody else.

Of course there are still influences today that can damage a person's conscience. There are still parents that abuse and/or neglect their children. There are still criminals and corrupt people that can mess up children. There are still hardships that people go through that sometimes weaken their moral character. For all we know it will always be that way on this earth.

There are some forces, though, that can change "deformed" consciences. Naturally, I suppose, I'd have to say that God of course can change a messed up conscience. Reading the Bible can help people see what is right to do and what is wrong (although many may not believe what it says is true and may argue with it).

People with sound consciences can teach those with deformed consciences what is right, I suppose. If someone would just tell Huck that drinking excessively, stealing, lying, or any of the other bad things he does is wrong, and do it in a gentle, nonjudgemental way, maybe he would start to change. Even though she sometimes did it in a harsher way, Widow Douglas corrected Huck and he was beginning to feel bad about doing the wrong thing. His conscience was starting to change....but then he got stuck back with his Pap and was back to where he started.

Sometimes an act of kindness can change a person with a corrupt conscience. For example, the way the Wilks girls treated Huck made him feel bad about the duke and king stealing from them, so he tried to do what was right.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 27-34

I believe that Huck is a round character and Jim is a flat character. Huck has went through many phsychological changes throughout the course of the novel, where Jim has stayed just about the same as in the beginning.

In the beginning, Huck took a little more after his dad and didn't really care as much if he hurt other people as long as he got what he wanted. But as the novel progresses, Huck seems to get more of a conscience when he's not around his Pap and Tom Sawyer. For example, when the con men tried to steal from the Wilkes's family, Huck felt really bad and wanted to give the money back to the family. Another time, after he'd hurt Jim's feelings, he went over to Jim and apologized, which was VERY uncommon for a white man to do back in those times.

Jim hasn't really been phased a whole lot by what has happened to him. Maybe it's because he doesn't fully understand it all, or maybe it's because he's already been through some hardships in his life. Either way, Jim is still the naive, caring individual that thinks more with his heart than his brain. For instance, he talks about how he'd smacked his daughter and not known that she was deaf and how he said that he cried and cried and asked for forgiveness from God. I could still see Jim doing the same thing today as he did back then (not hitting her, I mean, but comforting someone after he'd hurt them).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 24-26

Huck seems to be growing more of a conscience as the book progresses. In the beginning of the story, he just went along with whatever Tom Sawyer did and what his father did and didn't really care about who it affected. Now, since the king and the duke are trying to con innocent and kind girls out of their money, Huck is trying to help them by stealing the money and giving it back to the girls. I suppose this would be a change for the better, since he's stealing from theives to give the money back to who it rightfully belongs to--sort of like Robin Hood.

From all of the experiences that Huck goes through, I think he's learned what the consequences of his actions are. He's starting to learn that black people have the same feelings as white people and are no lower than whites. I think Huck has also learned that people are not always what they seem--like the duke and the king for instance.

In the beginning of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck sort of thought of Jim as just Ms. Watsons n*****. I think he sort of saw him as maybe a little stupid as well back then, but now Huck sort of sees Jim as his friend and companion on their journey (though I think Huck still knows that Jim is....well...uneducated). Before, I don't think Huck would've apologized to a slave, especially with Tom Sawyer around, but after he hurt Jim's feelings when they were on the river, Huck said that he never felt sorry for it after he did apologize.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 23

I find it funny that people will go to a show just because they think it's going to be dirty--and it was--and then get surprised about being jipped out of their money. Well, if a guy is willing to prance around on stage all painted up and naked, I don't think he'll feel too bad about taking your money.
I like how Huck can point out the exact number of dead cats in the place. That kind of amused me. It was pretty smart to take the money and run, even though it was probably not the right thing to do (maybe smart isn't the right word for it...). The way the duke talked about how he knew that the crowd would do that shows that this isn't the first time they've conned people out of their money.
I'm starting to really like Jim. He thinks more with his heart than with his head. The book showed how the white people thought of blacks as property back then because of how Huck said, "...and I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their'n. It don't seem natural, but I reckon it's so." (p. 196) Even though Huck is only a child, he thinks more maturely than the adults did back then.
I like the story Jim told about his daughter Elizabeth and how he found out that she was deaf. She was probably just smiling at him because he was her dad and when he smacked her for not listening to him, I'm sure she didn't understand. The way Jim embraced her and said he'd never forgive himself and how he asked God to forgive him shows more of his loving character.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Huck Finn - Chap. 22

After Sherman kills Boggs, a mob forms and grabs every clothesline they can so that they can lynch him. They were all very confident, probably thinking that they could just take him without a fight, until he stood on top of his roof with his gun and faced them like a man. I agree with Sherman on some of the points he made about the mob. He’s pretty much saying that mobs are cowards and foolish men get other foolish men to follow them. This is pretty true, even today. We see people rioting and getting fired up about stuff, but not really having a purpose to it.

I don’t like the fact, though, that he killed Boggs because he was drunk and didn’t know any better, but he stood his ground against the mob and scared every one of them off, so you’ve got to kind of respect him for that. I think he was pretty much saying that there was no way on earth he was going to go down by a bunch of cowards, but only if a man leading real men was to come and take him.

I like when Huck was at the circus and the supposed drunk man rode the horse because Huck was the only one who wasn’t laughing when he thought that the man was really drunk. He saw the danger in it. But the man was actually a performer, which I think relieved Huck and made him enjoy the circus more.

I like how the king and the duke put on a show and get laughed at because they were taking it so seriously. It was kind of funny how they only had twelve people show up and they all left except for a kid who fell asleep. That’s a pretty boring show. It was pretty smart on the kings part to put up a new posters that said no ladies or children allowed because that would definitely get the scum that populate that town to come.