Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 6

Well, it turns out that Gatsby's real name is James Gatz and he's really from North Dakota. I guess that explains why he said he was from the Midwest before, even though he said he was from San Francisco, which isn't really in the Midwest (Loui pointed that out for me). Anywho, I guess it just shows you that Gatsby really was living a fantasy life and he finally told Nick about it much later.

I kind of enjoyed the fact that Tom became so riled up when he thought that Daisy was "getting around." It's funny how he thinks that he can go cheat on her, but NO! She can't get near another man! That is out of the question!....Oh how the tables have turned...mua ha ha!

Anywhosit....they use the word "bootlegger" a lot in this book, and I didn't really know what that meant, so I looked it up and it means: someone who makes or sells illegal liquor (or some other product). I partly believe what Tom was saying when he thought Gatsby was a bootlegger because I'm not entirely sure that Gatsby has received all of his "moolah" legally.

Another thing: in this chapter, Daisy says, "If you want to kiss me any time during the evening, Nick, just let me know and I'll be glad to arrange it for you..." yeah....she's mentioned something like this before in a previous chapter when she asked Nick if he was in love with her...isn't she his cousin?? Now I don't know how things were back then, but I hope she meant a kiss on the cheek...

I still think that there's going to be a fallout between Gatsby and Tom...It's coming...I know these things (well...I could be wrong, but I can guess can't I?!) :P


chelsi said...

Not only do I think there will be a falling out with Gatsby and Tom, but also with Gatsby and Daisy.

A-jac said...

I totally agree with you about the whole Daisy - kiss thing. What's up with that?! Kind of incestual if you ask me...